
‘Vivekananda’s words are great music, phrases in the style of Beethoven, stirring rhythms like the march of Handel choruses. I cannot touch these sayings of his, scattered as they are through the pages of books at thirty years’ distance, without receiving a thrill through my body like an electric shock. And what shocks, what transports must have been produced when in burning words they issued from the lips of the hero!’ says the great French savant, Romain Rolland

Swami Vivekananda was as inspired a writer as a speaker.In his innumerable letters to his disciples, admirers, friends, and acquaintances, he has poured out his burning heart in unforgettable phrases. They might have been written to contemporary personages, but the potency and the relevance of their appeal are not dimmed by time or distance. His letters are as much for every one of us as for those whom he specifically addressed. Here are some gems from his letters gathered mainly from the ‘Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda’published by the Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati. If only we can catch a spark from this roaring flame, our lives will stand transformed and the nation will take great strides in the path of glory to which She is surely destined.