
Swami Vivekananda envisioned a rejuvenated India “A wonderful, glorious, future India will come”, he said, “I am sure it is coming a greater India than ever was”.

To build such an India, Swamiji had infinite faith in the youth. He gave a clarion call, “Young men, my hope is in you. Will you respond to the call of your nation? Each one of you has a glorious future if you dare believe me. Have a tremendous faith in yourselves, like the faith I had when I was a child, and which I am working out now. Have that faith, each one of you, in yourself – that eternal power is lodged in you – and you will revive the whole of India”.

How to develop that faith in oneself?

How to bring out the power which is within? Mr A.R.K Sarma, in this book, brings out the methodology by giving examples of great men who have adopted these principles of Swami Vivekananda knowingly or unknowingly. I am sure if every student follows Swami Vivekananda he is bound to be successful and will also contribute to the glory of India.