
The author, well known for his study and research on Swami Vivekananda, for years collected information on Swamiji from contemporary Indian newspapers and journals. This book will give the reader a firsthand account of the great impact Swamiji made on contemporary India through his words and deeds.


An unknown wandering monk of India, assuming the name Swami Vivekananda, appeared at the Parliament of if Religions in Chicago in 1893, and thereby at the world stage, causing unprecedented sensation in America, England and in India. Strangely, the Anglo-Indian Press, then the mouthpiece of the British political and Commercial interests in India, could not escape the heat of the moment. They expressed unexpected admiration, at times grudgingly, for this ‘native’ Indian, who heralded Indian regeneration, causing in future India’s liberation from the British yoke. That proves the mighty power of the man and his message. In the Introductory chapters, Vivekananda’s religious and social sayings are placed at the backdrop of contemporary relevant movements, endowed profusely with unknown material.